Higher Secondary
School Certificate
3 Months
Batch Intake

Trainer: Mr. Prasad Shetty

The Graphics and Multimedia Animation short term course is  specifically designed to immerse students in the realm of graphics, animation, and multimedia.

Animation helps deepen visual understanding better than traditional diagrams. It omits unnecessary verbiage and visuals, allowing you to communicate ideas quickly and sharply. 

The visual component of learning is a huge factor in the understanding of learning systems, concepts, and tools. Animation that’s created with the intention to simplify abstract concepts with a visually stimulating design helps learners with the knowledge and understanding of important subject matters.

In summary, learning Graphics Multimedia Animation will help you communicate ideas more effectively, engage your audience, and deepen your understanding of complex concepts.

Course Content:

  1. What is Pixel?  
  2. What is Resolution?  
  3. Introduction to Vector & Raster Graphic  
  4. Different types of Color Mode (RGB, CMYK, GRAYSCALE)  
  5. Scanning Image  
  6. Image Input Devices (Graphic tablets, light pens, touch panels and image scanners. )  7. What is Graphics Software? Types of Graphic Software  
  7. Image Size  
  8. Graphics File Formats (JPEG, GIF, TIFF, and PNG) 
  9. Introduction to Photoshop  
  10. Uses of Photoshop  
  11. File Menu (New, Open, Browse, Save, Save As)  

Tool Box  

  1. Move Tool  
  2. Option Panel  
  3. Introduction to Layer  
  4. Making Layers, Deleting Layers, Visibility of Layers, Opacity of layers, & Merge  Layers  
  5. Foreground & Background Colors, Setting Colors Default, Swapping Foreground &  Background Colors  
  6. Zoom Tool & Hand Tool  
  7. Navigator & Info Panel  

Color, Edit, View & Brush  

  1. Introduction to color picker color dialog box.  
  2. Edit-Fill  
  3. View Menu-Rulers, Grid, Guides.  
  4. Brush Tool –Soft Edge & Hard Edge, View of Brushes, Opacity & Flow properties.  5. Shape Dynamics  
  5. Scattering  
  6. Texture  
  7. Dual Brush  
  8. Color Dyanamics  
  9. Other Dyanamics  
  10. AirBrush option of Brush Tool  
  11. Pencil tool  

Tool Box & Select Menu  

  1. Marquee Tool, Add Selection, Subtract Selection, Intersect from  


  1. Select Menu- Deselect & Inverse Selection
  2. 3. Select Menu Feather, Modify, Color Range.  
  1. Making Square & Perfect Circular Selection  
  2. Feather & Anti-alias Option.  
  3. Style(Normal, Fixed Aspect Ratio, Fixed Size)  
  4. Transforming Selection  
  5. Creating your own Brush  


  1. Layer Menu – New –Layer via Cut- Layer via Copy 2. 

Edit- Free Transforms, Skew, Scale, Distort, Perspective.  

  1. Creating Patterns.  

Tool Box & Menus 

  1. Lasso Tool,
  2. Polygonal Lasso Tool,
  3. Magnetic Losso Tool,
  4. Magic Wand
  5. Edit- Stroke  


  1. Introduction to Channel  
  2. Creating New Channel, Save selection as New Channel, Load selection as a New  Channel  

Tool Box  

  1. Graddient Tool, Different Types of gradients  
  2. What is Dither?  
  3. Paint Bucket Tool  
  4. Assignment: Making Pen using gradient tool.  
  5. Making CD using gradient tool.  
  6. Eraser, Background Eraser, Magic Eraser Tool  
  7. Text Tool, Character Pallate, Text wrap options  
  8. Assignment: Making Magazine Cover  


  1. Introduction to Masking, Add Mask to Layer, Delete Mask, Quick Mask.  2. Layer Menu- Group with Previous Layer  

Pen Tool  

  1. Pen Tool & its uses, add & Edit anchor points.  
  2. Creating a Vector Mask, Make a Selection, Fill Path, Stroke Path  
  3. Path & Direct selection Tool  
  4. Custom Shape.  

Layer Styles  

  1. Drop & Inner Shadow  
  2. Outer & Inner Glow  
  3. Bevel & Emboss  
  4. Satin  
  5. Color Overlay  
  6. Gradient Overlay 
  7. Pattern Overlay
  8. Stroke  
  9. Blending Options  

Tools & Menus  

  1. Dodge Tool, Burn tool & Sponge Tool  
  2. Tool Box  
  3. Clone Stamp, Pattern Stamp, Healing Brush & Patch Tool.  
  4. Tool Box & Menus  
  5. History Brush, Art History Brush, History Pallate.  
  6. Crop Tool.  
  7. Image Menu- Rotate Canvas  
  8. Layer Menu- matting  

Color Theory  

  1. What are Primary colors, Secondary colors, Complementary colors? 
  2. What is Tint & Shade?  
  3. What are Warm & Cool colors?  
  4. What is Natural gray  
  5. What is hue & Saturation  
  6. What is Brightness, Contrast, & Gamma?  
  7. What is Black Point, White Point, & Gray Point?  

Tool Box  

  1. What is Color Model?  
  2. What is Color Space?  
  3. What is Device Independent Color Mode?  
  4. Different Types of Color Modes: (RGB, CMYK, LAB, INDEXED etc…)  5. What is Gammut?  

Image Menu  

  1. Adjustments,  
  2. Hue/Saturation,  
  3. Desaturate,  
  4. Variations,  
  5. Poster 
  6. Threshold, 
  7. Invert,  
  8. Equalize  
  9. Adjustment Levels- Curves, Color Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Replace Color,  Selective Color, Channel Mixer & Gradient Map  

Filter Menu  

  1. Artistic, Blue, Noise, Render  
  2. Brush Stroke, Pixelate, Distort.  
  3. Extract, Liquify, Pattern Maker  


  1. Actions  
  2. Image Menu- Image Size & Canvas Size  
  3. File – Automate  
  4. Tool Box  
  5. Slice Tool  
  6. Eye Dropper Tool  
  7. Notes Tool  

Tool Box  

  1. Different File Format  
  2. What are ICC Profiles?  
  3. File Menu- Save for Web  


  1. Making a scene  
  2. Making a CD Cover  
  3. Designing a Web Page

Illustrator Overview & Workspace 

  1. Introduction to Adobe Illustrator 
  2. Workspace Overview 
  3. Customizing the Workspace 
  4. Using the Artboard and Tools Panel 
  5. Understanding the Layers Panel 
  6. Exploring Illustrator Panels 
  7. a) Properties Panel 
  8. b) Libraries Panel 
  9. c) Pathfinder  Panel 
  10. d) Appearance Panel 
  11. e) Color Panel 

Working with Illustrator Documents 

  1. Understanding Illustrator File Formats 
  2. Creating or Opening a Document and Setting Document Properties 
  3. Navigating Multiple Open Documents 
  4. Managing Projects and Artboards 
  5. Importing Artwork into Illustrator 
  6. Working with Libraries and Assets 
  7. Utilizing Templates 

Drawing Fundamentals 

  1. Understanding Vector Graphics 
  2. Drawing Modes in Illustrator 
  3. Creating and Editing Shapes 
  4. Working with Pen and Pencil Tools 
  5. Reshaping Paths and Outlines 
  6. Utilizing Grids and Guides 
  7. Applying Colors, Strokes, and Fills 

Working with Objects 

  1. Selecting, Moving, Copying, and Deleting Objects 
  2. Arranging Objects (Stacking Order, Aligning, Grouping) 
  3. Transforming Objects (Scaling, Rotating, Shearing) 
  4. Using Pathfinder Operations 

Using Symbols and Libraries 

  1. Overview of Symbols 
  2. Creating and Editing Symbols 
  3. Using Symbol Instances 
  4. Working with Symbol Libraries 

Creating Illustrations 

  1. Illustration Basics a) Building Artwork b) Using Layers for Organization 2. Creating Complex Illustrations with Layers 
  2. Utilizing Illustrator Effects a) Applying Filters b) Utilizing Effects Panel c)  Creating and Saving Graphic Styles 
  3. Working with Text 
  4. Incorporating Raster Graphics 
  5. Incorporating 3D Objects 

Adding Special Effects 

  1. Utilizing Blending Modes 
  2. Applying Transparency and Opacity
  3. Creating and Applying Patterns 
  4. Adding Gradients and Gradient Meshes 

Exporting and Output 

  1. Exporting Illustrator Artwork 
  2. Saving for Web and Devices 
  3. Preparing Files for Print 

InDesign Introduction to InDesign 

  1. Overview of InDesign 
  2. Understanding Document Types 
  3. Workspace Setup 
  4. Navigation and Panels 
  5. Customizing Preferences 
  6. Master Pages 

Document Layout and Design 

  1. Basic Principles of Layout Design 
  2. Typography Essentials 
  3. Grids and Guides 
  4. Managing Text and Images 
  5. Creating and Formatting Tables 
  6. Using Shapes and Drawing Tools 

Working with Pages and Layers 

  1. Managing Pages and Page Properties 
  2. Layers and Object Organization 
  3. Aligning and Distributing Objects 
  4. Grouping and Locking Objects 
  5. Object Styles and Libraries 
  6. Packaging Documents 

Interactive Features 

  1. Adding Hyperlinks 
  2. Creating Interactive Buttons 
  3. Creating Slideshows and Multi-State Objects 
  4. Exporting Interactive PDFs  and Digital Publication  Collaboration and Output 
  5. Sharing InDesign Files 
  6. Exporting and Packaging Documents for Print 
  7. Exporting Documents for Digital Platforms 
  8. Print and Preflight Checks 
  9. Working with Print Service Providers 
  10. InDesign in the Publishing Workflow


Figma Introduction to Figma 

  1. Overview of Figma and its Features 
  2. Setting Up Figma Projects 
  3. Collaborative Workflows in Figma 
  4. Navigating the Figma Interface 
  5. Managing Teams and Projects 

Designing Interfaces and Prototypes 

  1. Creating Frames and Artboards 
  2. Adding and Editing Shapes and Text 
  3. Using Vector Tools for Design 
  4. Working with Components and Instances 
  5. Prototyping Interactions and Transitions 

Collaboration and Version Control 

  1. Collaborating with Teammates in Figma 
  2. Commenting and Reviewing Designs 
  3. Version History and Restoring Versions 
  4. Integrating with Design Systems 
  5. Sharing and Presenting Designs 

Advanced Features and Plugins 

  1. Plugins and Integrations with Figma 
  2. Advanced Prototyping Techniques 
  3. Auto Layout and Responsive Design 
  4. Using Plugins for Automation and Efficiency 
  5. Design Systems and Component Libraries 

Exporting and Handoff 

  1. Exporting Designs for Development 
  2. Generating Design Specs and Assets 
  3. Handing off Designs to Developers 
  4. Inspecting Designs in Figma Mirror 
  5. Design Handoff Best Practices 

This short-term course in Graphics Multimedia Animation is accredited by Maharashtra State Board of Skill, Vocational Education and Training.


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