Zenia D’souza and Zubin Kumar (Students of PG PR & PG Ad Certificate – Class of 2022-23)


The award ceremony for the national edition of the 12th Laadli Media & Advertising Awards for Gender Sensitivity (NLMAAGS) was held at the Tata Theatre, NCPA, on 29th of November 2022. Exceptional work in journalism, advertising, films, television, theater, and books was felicitated at the function which returned after two years as an on-ground event.

Arpana Rao, the acclaimed Kathak artist & her students of A.M.N.A., rapper Sania MQ and some great artists regaled the audience with their performances. The program was hosted by Meher Acharya Dar who is an actor and a well-known media person.

S.P.I.C.E. ensures that their students get the best education, opportunities and facilities. SPICE offered this opportunity to some of their students.

 “The hall was amazing, it was nice to see companies like Ogilvy winning ads”, says Zubin Kumar who studies Advertising and I.M.C.

“We were inspired by Sania’s story behind her raps, mesmerized by the graceful dance and grateful to witness the award distribution ceremony.”, says Zenia D’souza who studies Public Relations.

I consider myself to be lucky to be invited and to see influential people win awards. I won’t forget my first award show.” ,says Sakshi Bhonsle who studies Journalism.

The students loved the experience overall and certainly look forward to many such opportunities.

Media and Advertising awards for gender sensitivity 2022
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